Eng. Mahmoud M. Alhalimi


2nd year Masters Degree student in “Development Economics” – Faculty of Commerce – The Islamic University of Gaza, Present

Professional Diploma in “Management of Non Governmental Organizations” – Community Development Institute – The Islamic University of Gaza,2012

BSc. in “Engineering” – Faculty of Engineering – The Islamic University of Gaza, 2002

Computer Applications:
Proficient in: Microsoft Office Suit, Internet Explorer, MS Project…etc.
Excellent in spoken and written English and Arabic (as native language).
  • Sound knowledge of development issues in oPt as I have sound experience in working with donors (European like SIDA, SDC, etc and American such as USAID and institutes (e.g. grassroots).
  • Project Cycle Management (PCM) allowed me to act as a strong team leader and project manager, program development, writing Proposals, follow up the progress by diversified Monitoring tools and do Evaluation.
  • Effective interpersonal and communication skills (i.e. donors, partners).
  • High organizational skills in order to provide effective staff management, networking and deliver/receive training and capacity building for staff and beneficiaries, data filing and information networks.
  • Prepared to work under pressure with high analytical skills and collaboratively work in a team.
  • Results oriented with concern to deadlines and project reports preparation.

Feb 2015 till now

  • TVET Program Coordinator

Near East Council of Churches (NECC)

Duties and responsibilities:

  • Program/projects coordination.
  • Team leading and supervising.
  • Overall management.
  • Strategic planning on the organizational level.

Sep 2013 to Jan 2015

  • Fundraising, Projects M&E Officer

Gaza Community Mental Health Programme (GCMHP)

The main objectives of this assignment are to ensure the full administrative of GCMHP projects as well as functioning as technical expert in the process of programming and initiating new interventions (design new programs, participate in developing new strategic plan (2014-2017) for fundraising.

  • Support the fundraising & international relations department in developing new fundraising strategy as well as drafting new proposal with diversified group of Scandinavian donors (SIDA, SDC, QRC and others).
  • Support the Programme in managing and/or coordinating all other administrative issues of the projects and GCMHP (i.e. monitoring and evaluation on activities, contacting with donor representatives).
  • Lead and supervise staff in GCMHP certain projects and identify resources needed, conduct monitoring, evaluation, accountability and learning in the project (learned lessons workshops) including internal and external reporting in order to assess the impact of projects, assign individual assignments and develop capacity building need assessment for staff taking into consideration education specialty, gender sensitivity and locality.
  • High quality communication (Reporting, presentations, correspondence, telephone, reception, visits) in English and Arabic languages to donors, partners and beneficiaries (entrepreneurs of micro and small businesses) and business development services providers (consultants, trainers, support organizations).

Jan 2013_July 2013

  • Program Manager

Beit-Lahia Development Association BDA.

The main objectives of this assignment are to ensure the full administrative operations as well as functioning technical expertise to implement BDA projects efficiently as to be responsible for:

  • Overall management of Youth Project activities, events, projects, etc and develop work plans (BDA has many partnerships with donors such as Mercy Corps, GMDF, MDG and others).
  • Supervise project staff in projects and identify resources needed, Support the project team in conducting monitoring, evaluation, and learning in the project (learned lessons seminars) including internal and external reporting in order to assess the impact of projects, assign individual assignments considering education specialty, gender sensitivity and locality.
  • High quality communication (Reporting, presentations, correspondence, telephone, reception, visits) in English and Arabic languages to donors, partners and beneficiaries and stakeholders (consultants, trainers, support organizations).
  • Manage day-to-day operational aspects of projects (e.g. logistic preparations for activities, procurement etc), coordinate and follow-up on all activities with partners as required (e.g. coordination meetings, seminars etc).


Sep 2011_ Dec 2012

  • Gaza Office Manager

Small Enterprise Center (SEC) – Palestine.

Class: Entrepreneurship Programs


  • Management aspect: the main objectives of this assignment are to ensure the full administrative of SEC – Gaza Office as well as functioning technical expertise to implement SEC’S projects efficiently as to be responsible for:
  • Lead and supervise project staff in SEC Gaza Office and identify resources needed, Support the project team in conducting monitoring, evaluation, accountability and learning in the project (learned lessons seminars) including internal and external reporting in order to assess the impact of projects, assign individual assignments and develop capacity building need assessment for staff taking into consideration education specialty, gender sensitivity and locality.
  • Lead the fundraising policies and strategies as well as drafting new proposal with diversified group of donors (UNDP, DANIDA, EC and others).
  • I received a 5-week professional training in Sweden and Cyprus donated by SIDA specialized in UNSCR 1325 (women, peace and security) focusing on gender mainstreaming and gender issues.
  • Manage day-to-day operational aspects of projects (e.g. logistic preparations for activities, procurement etc), coordinate and follow-up on all activities with partners as required (e.g. coordination meetings, seminars etc).
  • Technical aspect:
  • Overall management of SEC activities, events, projects, etc in Gaza Branch and develop work plans (SEC has many partnerships with donors such as UNDP, Oxfam GB, Islamic Relief, PARC, MDG and others), and operating as project manager for the Gaza current projects.
  • Support in developing training materials, conduct the training.
  • Implement coaching services for the SMEs target groups throughout Gaza Strip localities and document with narrative and financial reports (i.e. business diagnostic report).
  • Identify needs for start ups and SMEs (Small & Medium Enterprise) sector and exert main efforts in drafting proposals for donors and institutions (i.e. budgeting over agreed projects).
  • I received a 3-week professional training in Denmark conducted by DANIDA specialized in SMEs development.
  • Supported, as a team leader, a group of my staff in conducting a research on Economic Sector Analysis for favor of UNDP, pertaining analyzing trends of the main economic sectors in Gaza Strip.
  • Support SEC in developing and reviewing business plans, feasibility studies.
  • High quality communication (Reporting, presentations, correspondence, telephone, reception, visits) in English and Arabic languages to donors, partners and beneficiaries (entrepreneurs of micro and small businesses) and business development services providers (consultants, trainers, support organizations).
  • Organize training and other events inside and outside the Gaza Strip.
  • Archive documents and other information, build up and maintain a library on issues of interest for micro, small and medium enterprises.
  • Support the Center in managing and/or coordinating all other administrative issues of the projects and Center (i.e. staff management. HR management).

Practice High quality communication skills in order to represent the organization in all related activities (presentations, correspondence, telephone, reception), conducting field visits and reporting on daily basis in English and Arabic languages to donors, partners and beneficiaries (entrepreneurs of micro and small businesses) and business development services providers (consultants, trainers, support organizations).

Feb 2011_ Aug 2011

  • Field Officer

International Orthodox Christian Charities, IOCC Gaza Office.

ARD/USAID Fund – Support farmers

Duties & Responsibilities:

  • Assisted the IOCC Gaza Project Officer in supervising the work of other project staff and IOCC partners, including the provision necessary guidance.
  • Implemented assigned project/program activities in accordance with grant agreement and full compliance to donor regulations (budgeting, procurement and etc), gender, locality and other considerations.
  • Assisted in selection of the CBOs/beneficiaries to ensure the process is carried out according to the assigned selection criteria.
  • Worked closely with IOCC partners and project staff to ensure compliance of project monitoring and evaluation forms by staff and beneficiaries, and developing the knowledge and capacity of IOCC local project/program partners, in order to improve their project implementation skills.
  • Participated on behalf of IOCC in official, partner and community meetings in the Palestinian Territory of Gaza Strip.
  • Coordinated movement of all commodities within project sites and conducted frequent visits to project/program sites for follow-up & monitoring purposes.
  • Provided data necessary both for the preparation and provision of weekly project/program reports, tracking all implementation and activities, and for those required by donor agencies and IOCC Gaza Office, including but limited to: monthly/quarterly reports; program/project presentations; and project implementation plan.
  • Assisted in the preparation of new program and project proposals.
  • Kept complete, intact and up-to-date files, documents, and reports of project technical and communication work.


Feb 2010_ Dec 2010

  • Project Coordinator

CARE International – Gaza office.

Project: “Assessing most needy families in Gaza Strip localities (Fresh Food from Farmers) – USAID Fund”.

Responsibilities include:

  • Represented CARE together with the Gaza Emergency Team Leader at the Gaza donors coordination meetings on aid distribution.
  • Monitored the work of the partner NGOs daily implementation of the collection of data, finalizing the lists, distribution of aids and following up with varied monitoring tools (i.e. field visits, focus groups, interviews, etc).
  • Contacted with partner NGOs/INGOs and partner (CBOs) such as Live Stock Society, and updated them on the project implementation phases, roles, and responsibilities.
  • Coordinated the movement of all commodities throughout project localities.
  • Conducted field visits to the project localities in coordination with the NGOs/INGOs.
  • Monitored selection of the CBOs/beneficiaries to ensure the process is carried out according to the assigned selection criteria.
  • Carried out the verification inspection report of beneficiary verification to household beneficiaries to verify the provided data.

Responsible for keeping complete, intact and up-to-date files documents and reports of project technical and communication work.


Sept 2009_ Dec 2009

  • Consultant (Education Cluster Information Management Specialist)

Save The Children (US) – Gaza office.

Responsibilities include:

  • Built a database with new template formats in order to be used in the variedimplementations of the education cluster activities, engaging eligible efforts to meet the needs of day-to-day updating.
  • Updated the UNOCHA – GRAD website with the education-based activities accompanied with training cluster key persons of how to apply.
  • Arranged meetings and activities for the organizations (NGO’s) which are involved in the education cluster in order to make overlapping and to insure the cooperation in the related education-based fields.
  • Contacted the committed NGO’s to facilitate implementing the designed new formats to avoid duplication in our work.
  • Monitored the work of the partner CBOs especially daily implementation of the collection of data, finalizing the lists, distribution of materials and following up by diversified monitoring tools (i.e. field visits, reports, etc).


June 2009_ Aug 2009

  • Consultant

Welfare Association (WA) – Gaza Office.

Project: “Bringing Back Humanity to The Lives of Palestinian Orphans Children and Youth” – Summer Events.

Responsibilities include:

  • Reviewed all available orphans’ questionnaires.
  • Met with orphans caring organizations and the implementation partners.
  • Prepared a unified data base template for orphans and sponsors.
  • Met with orphan’s family heads to verify and update information.
  • Data entering into the data base.
  • Held up open days for orphans and their families to enrich advocacy.
  • Participated In response for distributing leaflets, invitations, hot meals to the orphans based according to their localities.
  • Photographing, Reporting, documenting the data and submitting it.


  • Trainer
  • Aug 2005: PALTRADE (Palestine Trade Center), “Quality management systems implementation” for furniture bus. Entrepreneur’s course: 40 hours.
  • July 2007: The Association of Engineers – Training Center, Gaza, a course of 30 hours totally.
  • Aug 2009: Community Service & Continuous Education Deanship (CSCED)­­_Islamic University of Gaza (IUG), a course of 30 hours totally.


July 2006 – Oct 2007

  • Wood & Furniture Cluster Coordinator

DAI, Development Alternatives Inc.

Project: “Supporting Productive Sectors towards New Markets – Entrepreneurs Private Initiatives – USAID Fund”.

Responsibilities include:

  • Played cooperatively a team leader role within the team members. Gained solid experience in working with NGO’s and arranged the cluster meetings.
  • Worked closely with the service demanders (entrepreneurs) in setting business plans and feasibility studies for new businesses, new products and services based on Market Assessment.
  • Delivered training sessions for member firms involved in the cluster in total quality management TQM, production lines design.
  • Delivered coaching service for beneficiary entrepreneurs focusing on their initiatives and how to make it successful.
  • Monitored the activities in order to insure activities approach outputs by using field visits, reports, workshops and focus groups, and cluster key persons interviews (based on logic framework and designated work plans).
  • Prepared the required reports which cover whole project activities and tasks.
  • Evaluated the project activities, initialized evaluation reports.
  • Participated in setting new project proposal for a new market oriented project: (applied project cycle management; I wrote down the proposal).
  • Planned the goals and strategies of the Quality Management systems and applied these techniques in helping companies gain the ISO certificates.
  • Made estimated budgets for the new initiatives activities/products.


Mar 2004_ June 2006

  • Vice Manager, Quality Management Department Officer

Sousy Furniture Company (ISO 9001:2000 -certified)

Class: Private Sector

Responsibilities include:

  • Staff management and Supervise various groups of workers and provide them with the required capacity building in technical and managerial issues.
  • Distribute tasks among staff, determine time frames and manage the flow of the activity processes, analyzing and reporting on administrative & productive performance.
  • Design the related comprehensive work plans that arrange and organize the process of producing high quality furniture pieces, serving, exporting.
  • Coordinate with donating INGOs (i.e. PALTRADE and DAI) in order to help improve the performance in all company departments.

Plan the goals and strategies of the Quality Management system.

  • “UN Resolution 1325; Women, Peace and Security” training program (1st phase) – SIDA, Sweden, Oct 2012, 2nd phase at Cyprus, April 2013.
  • “General Tools and Concepts in Agribusiness SMEs Development” training course – DANIDA,   Denmark, May 2012.
  • Participated in many donor coordinating workshops, project steering committees, networking and advocacy workshops.
  • “Financial Management and       Budgeting” training course – (DED by Pioneers) – Gaza, Nov 2010.
  • “Training of trainers (TOT) ” training course ­- Pioneers Consultations, Sep 2010 to Nov 2010.
  • “Project Management” – Pioneers Consultations, Aug 2010 to Sep 2010.
  • “Developing work plans and writing proposals” training course _ (SMET-UNRWA), June 2010.
  • “Business Communications” training course – Pioneers Consultations, May 2010.
  • “Business Etiquette” training course – Pioneers Consultations, April 2010.
  • “Customer Service” training course – Pioneers Consultations, Mar 2010 to April 2010.
  • “Microsoft project (MS Project) “training course – (SMET-UNRWA), Feb 2010.
  • “Project management” course – (SMET-UNRWA), Jan 2010.
  • “Leadership” training course – Pioneers Consultations, Nov 2009.
  • “ISO 9000:2000 awareness & quality management internal audit” course_ DAI, Dec 17 / 2004.
  • Attended 4 workshops pertinent to business such as “Quality management for improving business performance”, “Financial analysis”, “Financial accounting basics”, and “Marketing for improving business performance”; all held in DAI – August 2004.
  • “Leadership” Summer Camp training _ The Ministry of Youth, Summer / 2004.