Optimized Bio-Gas System

Bio-technology is a worldwide promising stream in sustainable energy industry. The world has recently seen many successful experiences in this area. According to the health and children magazine (2008), USA used animals manure to produce biogas to generate 100 Billion kWh of electricity. In 2010, UK generated electricity using biogas. Similarly, India produced two million anaerobic digesters called (Sintex Digester) to produce biogas from organic wastes. This provided clean electricity for millions of citizens. Moreover, many successful experiences were applied in Jordan and UAE. This gives reasonable evidence about the certainty of the results. Another motivation to proceed in this research project is the daily reliable amounts of SOW in Gaza Strip. Moreover; the organic composition of SOW makes it a prolific source of energy. Environmentally, reusing SOW will minimize the need for more landfill areas. Practically speaking, many technical, economic, and environmental considerations should be accounted to reach the feasible amounts of the outputs. So, this project aims to build a research rig to optimize the process of producing Methane, Carbon Dioxide (CO2) and Bio-fertilizers from SOW.


Practically speaking, many technical, economic, and environmental considerations should be accounted to reach the feasible amounts of biogas. So, this project aims to build a test rig to optimize the process of producing Biogas, Carbon Dioxide (CO2) and Bio-fertilizers from OSW.The project activities include an integrated design operation to establish a major research unit. The research unit involves smaller units that are represented in an evaluation, receiving & pretreatment unit, digester unit, a final treatment unit for biogas treatment & purification, and evaluation & preparation unit for bio-fertilizer. The final treatment unit will ensure the separation & purification of a Bio-Methane & carbon dioxide according to international standards. Moreover, there will be studies to ensuring compatibility & adequacy for bio operations in a way that guarantee the maximum productivity rates.

Reports about the System

Our System on Al-Jazeera net.Open

Our System on Almaydeen tv.View

زينات عياد-غزة
أدت حالة عدم الاستقرار في إمدادات الطاقة وعدم توافر مصادره البديلة في قطاع غزة إلى تزايد الفجوة بين كميات الطاقة المتوافرة وحجم الطلب، مما دفع مجموعة من الاستشاريين والمهندسين المحترفين لتكوين شركة فلسطينية خاصة في مدينة غزة لتصميم مشروع أكنان .More

صفاء عاشور-غزة
تمكنت مؤسسة أكنان في قطاع غزة من النجاح في بناء وحدة أبحاث نمطية تضم استقبال وتصميم ومعالجة أولية للمواد العضوية ثم نقلها إلى أجهزة تعمل على إنتاج الغاز الحيوي “الميثان” وغاز ثاني أكسيد الكربون والكومبوست، كخطوة أولى في سبيل توفير جزء من احتياجات قطاع غزة من هذه المواد.More

Our System on Al-Quds TV.View